Cities: Skylines

城市 天际线 奖杯列表

白1 金5 银27 铜71 总104

6/104完成度 24年7月16日首个杯 24年7月28日最后杯 12天首末杯差

Cities: Skylines

白1 金5 银9 铜22 总37

#1 Ultimate City Mayor

Acquire all the other Trophies

#2 Pioneer

Have a population of 40 in your city

#3 SIMulated Town

Purchase a new map tile for the first time

#4 Well Informed

Have a look at all the different info-view panels

#5 City Planner

Use the district tool to draw 3 districts

#6 Lawmaker

Apply a policy to a district you created

#7 Power at Your Fingertips

Unlock all city services

#8 Heavenly City

Unlock Monuments

#9 Medic!

Build the Medical Center Monument

#10 A Huge Hadron

Build the Hadron Collider Monument

#11 Beam Me Up

Build the Space Elevator Monument

#12 New Eden

Build the Eden Project Monument

#13 Short Fuse

Build the Fusion Power Plant Monument

#14 I Want It All

Unlock every single building in the game

#15 Metropolis

Have a population of 100,000 in your city

#16 Distroy

Have more than 10 districts with unique policies

#17 City in Motion

Have 20 transport lines

#18 City in Motion 2

Have 50 transport lines

#19 Climbing the Social Ladder

Have a Citizen educated to level 3 from 0

#20 Unpopular Mayor

Have 15% happiness

#21 Rolling in Dough

Earn 15,000 per week

#22 Frenetic Player

Inspect a police building 50 times in a row

#23 Happy Town

Have more than 95% city happiness for 5 years

#24 Tough City

Have the city survive a crime rate of over 40% for 2 years

#25 Fire Watch

Have 5 Fire Stations

#26 The Safest Town

Have 5 Police Headquarters

#27 Professional Dumper

Fill five landfill sites

#28 Earthloving City

No water or ground pollution in a city of over 10,000 residents

#29 Higher Education

Have over 70% of citizens highly educated in a city of over 10,000 people

#30 SIMulated City

Have an area the size of nine map tiles

#31 Safe City

Keep the crime rate under 10% for 4 years straight

#32 Power to the People

Have the industry tax rate over 5% higher than either residential tax rate for one year

#33 Make Them Pay

Have both residential tax rates over 5% higher than industry for one year

#34 1001 Nights

Experience 1001 nights in the game

#35 Leisure Suites

Have 1000 squares of leisure specialized commercial zone

#36 Playing With the Boys

Have 1000 squares of beach specialized commercial zone

#37 Prison Break

Have 15 Prisons in the city


银3 铜5 总8

#38 Are They Naked In There?

Build a sauna in the city

#39 Get Your Snowshoes Ready!

Experience snowfall

#40 It's Wintertime!

Change Chirper to a winter look

#41 Here's A Tram

Have one tram line active

#42 I Love Trams!

Have 10 tram lines active

#43 Speed up!

Boost 100km of streets with Road maintenance service

#44 The Plowmaster

Have snowplows collect 2,000,000 units of snow

#45 Foggy Weather

Experience fog

Natural Disasters

银2 铜9 总11

#46 Thunder and Lightning

Experience a Thunderstorm

#47 Twist and Shout

Experience a tornado

#48 Run, Bambi!

Experience a forest fire

#49 Drop the Base

Experience a sinkhole

#50 It's heading right for us!

Experience a meteor strike

#51 We Need Snorkels!

Experience a tsunami

#52 Shake It Up!

Experience an earthquake

#53 Invincible City

Have ten disasters hit the same city

#54 The Underdog

Lose 5 scenarios

#55 We Have A Winner!

Win 5 scenarios

#56 What the...?

Experience a special disaster

Mass Transit

铜13 总13

#57 Blimp? Blimp.

Have 3 blimp lines

#58 Put Some Blimp in Your Blimp

Have 10 blimp lines

#59 Clark Cable

Transport 5,000 passengers with cable cars

#60 Cables Galore

Transport 20,000 passengers with cable cars

#61 Rejoice and Be Ferry

Have 3 Ferry lines

#62 Ferry Faerie

Have 15 ferry lines

#63 Triorail

Have 3 Monorail lines

#64 Not So Mono

Have 10 Monorail lines

#65 A Road Called Steve

Name a road "Steve"

#66 Centurion

Name 100 Roads

#67 Combo Breaker!

Have one Ferry and Bus Exchange Stop, Metro-Monorail-Train Hub, Monorail-Bus Hub and Multiplatform Train Station

#68 Reporting!

Check a route of a citizen

#69 Totally in Motion

Win all 3 Mass Transit Scenarios

Green Cities

铜6 总6

#70 Super Self Sufficient

Have all residential zones in your city be specialized Self-Sufficient Housing.

#71 I To The T

Have all office zones in your city be specialized IT-Cluster.

#72 Organistic

Have all commercial zones in your city be specialized Organic and Local Produce.

#73 Green Energy

Produce all electricity without using raw materials.

#74 Friendly Teaching

Build one of each eco-friendly schools: Community School, Institute of Creative Arts and Modern Technology Institute.

#75 Greenest City

Have no polluting industry in your city, only Office Zone and specialized zones.


银1 铜7 总8

#76 The Park To Rule All Parks

Have a maximum level park made with Park Tool.

#77 Parking Not Forbidden

Have 10 parks made with Park Tool.

#78 Z00

Have a park with all zoo buildings built in it.

#79 Ambulare

Have 5 pedestrian Walking Tour lines.

#80 Maintain That Park

Have a Park Maintenance Service and a Zoo, Nature Reserve and Amusement Park in your city.

#81 Coaster Tycoon

Have a park with all Amusement Park buildings built in it.

#82 Naturally

Have a park with all Nature Reserve buildings built in it.

#83 Sights To Be Seen

Have 15 Sightseeing Bus lines.


银3 铜4 总7

#84 Full Capacity

Level up an Industry Area up to Level 5

#85 Serial Investor

Build 10 Industry Areas

#86 Offshore Assets

Build five Offshore Oil Drilling Platforms

#87 Industry Tycoon

Build all Unique Factories

#88 Postman

Deliver 1 000 000 units of Mail

#89 Just Tolling

Build one of each road Toll Booth buildings

#90 Scaling Up

Build 10 Warehouse buildings


银5 铜2 总7

#91 Student Housing Project

Build 10 Dormitories on campuses.

#92 Education Nation

Have 15 000 students studying on campuses at the same time.

#93 Distinguished Academics

Have one campus reach "Prestigious" in reputation.

#94 Varsity Sports Patron

Build all five varsity sports arenas on one campus in one city.

#95 Higher Learning

Build all Campus Area types with all of their respective campus buildings and faculties.

#96 Academic Scholar

Create 100 academic works.

#97 For For-Profit Education!

Have one campus area with more than 5000 students and all upkeep costs covered by tuition fees.

Sunset Harbor

银4 铜3 总7

#98 Aquaculture

Farm 5 000 000 units of fish and sea plants.

#99 Fisher King

Catch 10 000 000 units of fish.

#100 Multidisciplinary Transport Tycoon

Build Metro-Intercity Bus Hub, Bus-Intercity Bus Hub, Train-Metro Hub, Metropolitan Airport and Bus-Metro Hub

#101 Trolleyface

Transport 35 000 citizens in trolleybuses.

#102 World of Rotorcraft

Transport 15 000 citizens in passenger helicopters.

#103 Come Fly With Me!

Have 60 tourists visit the Aviation Club during one week.

#104 The Waters of Our Lives

Treat 20 000 000 m3 of waste water using the Inland Water Treatment Plants.
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