
Shadowgate 奖杯列表

白1 金1 银2 铜56 总60



白1 金1 银2 铜56 总60

#1 Protector of the Realm

Unlocking all achievements.

#2 Hero

Successfully beat the game and defeat the Warlock Lord for the first time.

#3 Monarch

Complete Master mode in 1000 turns or less.

#4 Potentate

Complete Journeyman mode in 2000 turns or less.

#5 Commander

Complete Apprentice mode in 2700 turns or less.

#6 Master Healer

Cure yourself of a curse in 500 turns or less. Master mode.

#7 Journeyman Healer

Cure yourself of a curse in 650 turns or less. Journeyman mode.

#8 Apprentice Healer

Cure yourself of a curse in 800 turns or less. Apprentice mode.

#9 Master Adventurer

Uncover 100% of the map locations and notes.

#10 Journeyman Adventurer

Uncover 80% of the map locations and notes.

#11 Apprentice Adventurer

Uncover 50% of the map locations and notes.

#12 Master Tradesman

Examine 600 different items in the game.

#13 Journeyman Tradesman

Examine 500 different items in the game.

#14 Apprentice Tradesman

Examine 400 different items in the game.

#15 Master Necromancer

Experience 48 unique deaths.

#16 Journeyman Necromancer

Experience 35 unique deaths.

#17 Apprentice Necromancer

Experience 25 unique deaths.

#18 Master Scholar

Solve 62 major puzzles.

#19 Journeyman Scholar

Solve 50 major puzzles.

#20 Apprentice Scholar

Solve 40 major puzzles.

#21 Master Savior

Complete Master mode in one game session.

#22 Journeyman Savior

Complete Journeyman mode (or higher) in one game session.

#23 Apprentice Savior

Complete Apprentice mode (or higher) in one game session.

#24 Supreme Paladin

Complete Master mode without the use of hints.

#25 Journeyman Paladin

Complete Journeyman mode (or higher) without the use of hints.

#26 Apprentice Paladin

Complete Apprentice mode (or higher) without the use of hints.

#27 Saint

Pray at every altar.

#28 Wizard

Successfully cast every spell.

#29 Alchemist

Successfully create all of the recipes in the lab. Master mode.

#30 Avenger

Kill nine different goblins.

#31 Cleric

Beat the game without killing any goblins. Master mode.

#32 Survivalist

Consume 22 edible/drinkable items.

#33 Weaponmaster

Use every weapon.

#34 Lightbringer

Find and light every torch.

#35 Axe-Wielder

Successfully complete the Black Axe quest. Master mode.

#36 Assassin

Wear all of the wearable items.

#37 Scout

Pick up 200 different items.

#38 Juggernaut

Beat the game in all three difficulty modes: Master, Journeyman, and Apprentice.

#39 Reaper

Discover all special deaths. Master mode.

#40 Torchbearer

Collect 10 torches.

#41 Wizard's Friend

Find Lakmir the Timeless.

#42 Infiltrator

Discover and enter the inner castle.

#43 Spelunker

Discover and enter the catacombs beneath the castle.

#44 Weather Maker

Show mastery of the weather outside Shadowgate.

#45 Master Investigator

Find two relics from another place and time. Master or Journeyman mode.

#46 Boon Companion

Appease your traveling companion with all his requests.

#47 Good Housekeeping

Tidy up the castle of dust and spider webs. Master or Journeyman mode.

#48 The Chosen One

Find all 5 relics described in the prophecy.

#49 Harryhausen

Attempt to communicate with all skulls.

#50 Messenger

Summon Lakmir and gain each of his instructions.

#51 Gotta Catch 'Em All

Catch all elementals.

#52 Librarian

Read every book.

#53 Pyromaniac

Burn every item that can be destroyed by fire.

#54 7 Angry Dwarven Miners

Mine all crystals in the catacombs. Master or Journeyman mode.

#55 Signal The Castle

Light and observe the signal fire.

#56 Apprentice Ironman

Beat the game on Ironman mode (no saving). Apprentice mode.

#57 Journeyman Ironman

Beat the game on Ironman mode (no saving). Journeyman mode.

#58 Master Ironman

Beat the game on Ironman mode (no saving). Master mode.

#59 Rookie Pumpkin Hunter

Successfully complete the Dread Pumpkin Quest. Normal or Easy mode.

#60 Master Pumpkin Hunter

Successfully complete the Dread Pumpkin Quest. Master or Journeyman mode.