Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time

Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time 奖杯列表

金1 银3 铜8 总12


Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time

金1 银3 铜8 总12

#1 Will you answer the call?

You've just taken an important step in achieving your destiny.

#2 It's just an empty cave

You explored the abandoned cave in the forest.

#3 Hero of time!

You smashed more than 5 pots in Sir Manfred Grayle's home.

#4 It's like a party in my mouth

How hungry are you? You ate more than 10 custard creams!

#5 Welcome to the world of tomorrow

You've made your way through the forest.

#6 Exterminate!

You would make a good Dalek.

#7 Bullseye

A broken pillar is no match for your throwing arm.

#8 This is getting to be a habit!

You got caught by the Daleks more than 10 times.

#9 Sherlock Who?

You managed to figure out the code to the safe in less than 60 seconds!

#10 The Big Brain

You proved your genius by activating the laser core in under 5 minutes.

#11 Can't exterminate what you can't see

You infiltrated the Dalek temple without getting caught once!

#12 You’re one of the Doctor’s chosen few!

You saved the universe from the Reality Virus!