Black Legend Trophies

Black Legend Trophies 奖杯列表

白1 金10 银5 总16


Black Legend Trophies

白1 金10 银5 总16

#1 Legendary

Earn all other trophies.

#2 Mephisto's Legacy

Pick Mephisto in the final battle.

#3 True Justice

Pick the Mercenaries in the final battle.

#4 The Bloodcoral Captain

Defeat Christiaan Huygens

#5 The Broken Legend

Defeat Grand Piers

#6 The Amber Walker

Defeat Anthonie van Leeuwenhoeck

#7 The Golden Visionary

Defeat Benedict Baruch

#8 Old White Wife's Tale

Complete the "A Wedding in White" sidequest.

#9 Keep your Head

Complete the "A Song Stuck in my Head" sidequest.

#10 Skin and Smoke

Complete the "Down the Well" sidequest.

#11 Cultist Cleanup

Fight and defeat every encounter at least once in a single playthrough.

#12 Master of Alchemy

Catalyze and enemy with 3 stacks of Crimson, Silver, Bronze and Gold in a single hit.

#13 Weapon Collector

Collected all weapons in the game.

#14 The Earlier Fashion

Collected all armour sets (including every tier) in the game

#15 Bite through the Pain

Beat the game on Normal Difficulty or above without using a Quarter Tree.

#16 Darkest Legend

Complete the game on the Hard Difficulty.
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