
SuperZangyura 奖杯列表

白1 金6 银10 铜14 总31



白1 金6 银10 铜14 总31

#1 Rhopalocera

Complete the butterfly collection

#2 Pieris

What did the maid see at the end of the moonlit garden?

#3 Pelopidas

The path to the old castle coursed through
a trap-riddled underground waterway.

#4 Polygonia

As the maid traversed the waterway,
she was attacked by a large shadow.

#5 Parantica

Much to her disappointment,
the castle was also full of traps.

#6 Papilio

What floats through the master’s head
as she sways to the mysterious melody?

#7 Ypthima

The butterflies’ melody has ended…but I am lost.

#8 Saturniidae

Yet another grain of time falls…

#9 AttacusAtlas

A pyramid grows beneath the shining sands.

#10 Coscinocera

Endless seconds fill your outstretched palms!

#11 Birdwing

You must be very humble to have but a single wish.

#12 Alexandra

Aren’t you a little selfish asking for so much?

#13 Goliath

My goodness, the depth of human greed is most astounding!

#14 GrassYellow

If you gaze into the abyss of magic,
it won’t necessarily gaze back.

#15 Swallowtail

Maybe you should try hurrying just a little?

#16 Phalaenopsis

Take me to a nice place, if you would be so kind.

#17 GlacialApollo

Winning without a scratch should be a piece of cake, right?

#18 Peonies

I can’t believe they keep food there.

#19 Geometrid

Oops, it’s so repulsive, I’m going to die! Aaaaaaagh!

#20 Scales of Aries

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the ram!

#21 Scales of Taurus

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the bull!

#22 Scales of Gemini

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the twins!

#23 Scales of Cancer

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the crab!

#24 Scales of Leo

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the lion!

#25 Scales of Virgo

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the maiden!

#26 Scales of Libra

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the scales!

#27 Scales of Scorpius

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the scorpion!

#28 Scales of Sagittarius

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the archer!

#29 Scales of Capricornus

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the goat!

#30 Scales of Aquarius

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the water-bearer!

#31 Scales of Pisces

Smash pumpkins and receive the mark of the fish!
2023-04-05 20:53