Retro Machina

Retro Machina 奖杯列表

白1 金9 银4 铜4 总18


Retro Machina

白1 金9 银4 铜4 总18

#1 Electric Dreamer

Get all other trophies.

#2 Nucleonics

Defeat Nucleonics Fusitron.

#3 Atomic City

Defeat Atomic City boss.

#4 Marine Nation

Defeat Marine Nation boss.

#5 Serendipity Mountain

Defeat Serendipity Mountain boss.

#6 Pathfinder

Find a hidden place.

#7 Mastermind

Control all enemies.

#8 Collector

Find all images.

#9 Anthropologist

Find all files.

#10 Curiosity

Open all color cartridge doors.

#11 Surrender

Surrender to N.E.O.N.

#12 The Healthy Robot

Find all health upgrade cores.

#13 The Power Robot

Find all power upgrade cores.

#14 The Controller Robot

Find all control upgrade cores.

#15 The Special Robot

Find all special upgrade cores.

#16 Robot 2.0

Unlock all upgrades.

#17 Robot Dreams

Enter the replication chamber.

#18 Voyager

Enter the rocket.