
ParadiseLost 奖杯列表

金1 银2 铜9 总12



金1 银2 铜9 总12

#1 Denial

Make your way through Denial

#2 Übermensch

Welcome to Paradise

#3 Untermensch

Welcome to Hell

#4 Anger

Make your way through Anger

#5 Bargaining

Make your way through Bargaining

#6 Depression

Make your way through Depression

#7 Acceptance

Make your way through Acceptance

#8 Don't Look Back

Leave the bunker

#9 Beacon of Hope

Stay in the bunker

#10 Sleep, Sister

Unplug Ewa

#11 I Can't Do It

Don’t unplug Ewa

#12 Putting the Pieces Together

See all the endings