This Is the Zodiac Speaking

This Is the Zodiac Speaking 奖杯列表

金1 银3 铜7 总11


This Is the Zodiac Speaking

金1 银3 铜7 总11

#1 Monica

Open the safe with a code

#2 This is the Zodiac Speaking

Meet the Zodiac for the first time

#3 Hangman

Drop the puppet in the shed

#4 Truth

Unlock the first hologram

#5 True Detective

Set the chronology of events

#6 Victim

Get caught by the Zodiac

#7 Firestarter

Complete a level without being caught by the Zodiac

#8 Thief

Complete the entire game without being caught by the Zodiac

#9 Director

Watch all cutscenes

#10 Investigation Discovery

Collect all Journal Clues

#11 Fincher

Finish the game