1993 Space Machine

1993 Space Machine 奖杯列表

金1 银4 铜6 总11


1993 Space Machine

金1 银4 铜6 总11

#1 Hero

Finish a planetary level without losing a life. You have 1 try on each planet.

#2 Master of the Universe

Defeat Nestor in less than 3 minutes.

#3 Space Ninja

Defeat the malfunctioning Space Machine.

#4 Rambo

Own 4 fully upgraded weapons.

#5 Pacifist

Kill no enemies except bosses.

#6 Spartan

Defeat Nestor without using the Megablast weapon.

#7 42

Die exactly 42 times during the whole game.

#8 Armour Clad

Absorb 1000 bullets with your shield.

#9 Zero

Take no hits on any level.

#10 Flamer

Be careful when playing with fire.

#11 First steps

Your mission has started.