
Alveole 奖杯列表

白1 金9 银7 总17



白1 金9 银7 总17

#1 Alveole Platinum

Good job! Completed all tasks!

#2 Collector

Collect all photo cards.

#3 Adventurer

Get the Adventurer photo card.

#4 Coward

Get the Coward photo card.

#5 Detective

Get the Detective photo card.

#6 Far Space

Get the Far Space photo card.

#7 Hard Worker

Get the Hard Worker photo card.

#8 Hopscotch

Get the Hopscotch photo card.

#9 Imperfect

Get the Imperfect photo card.

#10 Kangaroo

Get the Kangaroo photo card.

#11 Lazybones

Get the Lazybones photo card.

#12 Purposeful

Get the Purposeful photo card.

#13 Student

Get the Student photo card.

#14 Stumble

Get the Stumble photo card.

#15 Weakling

Get the Weakling photo card.

#16 Welcome Back

Get the Welcome Back photo card.

#17 Winner

Get the Winner photo card.
2021-09-04 03:35