Trophy set for King Leo

Trophy set for King Leo 奖杯列表

金1 银6 铜7 总14


Trophy set for King Leo

金1 银6 铜7 总14

#1 Explorer

You have finished 6 jungle levels.

#2 Jungle King

You have defeated the jungle boss.

#3 Pathfinder

You have finished 6 desert levels.

#4 Sandman

You have defeated the desert boss.

#5 Rock´n´Roll

You have finished 6 mountains levels.

#6 High Flier

You have defeated the mountains boss.

#7 Savage

You have finished 6 savanna levels.

#8 Conquerer

You have defeated the savanna boss.

#9 Healthy

You have finished the level without any life loss.

#10 Bulletproof

You have finished the level without being hit.

#11 Warrior

You have defeated 25 enemies.

#12 Headhunter

You have defeated 50 enemies.

#13 Super Leo

You have defeated 75 enemies.

#14 Leo of Love

You have finished the level without killing any enemy.