Know by heart...

Know by heart... 奖杯列表

白1 金8 银5 铜6 总20


Know by heart...

白1 金8 银5 铜6 总20

#1 Sweet Oblivion...

Get all other trophies

#2 Punctual

Be on time for your work and for a walk with Asya

#3 Jack of All

Heed to Genghis' request and help out with Galya's bags

#4 Helichopter

Discover the first memory

#5 Seventh Sky

Asya's kiss on cheek

#6 Night Owl

Discover 3 night memories

#7 Chatterbox

Call all available numbers during a day

#8 Lawful Citizen

Refuse to steal the car with Asya and Artyom

#9 Tea Ceremony

Correctly serve tea to everyone

#10 Dreams Come True

Asya's kiss on the roof

#11 Precious Relic

Retrieve a photo from outside and place it on its right place

#12 Quick Thinking

Find Asya without Genghis' help

#13 Diplomacy

Convince Artyom to stay

#14 Flowers of Life

Save all children from fire

#15 One Step Ahead

Find the archive before Artyom asks you to do so

#16 Elusion

Find Asya without getting caught by the army

#17 Family

Make your family reunite in the epilogue

#18 Nostalgia

Discover all memories

#19 Mapmaker

Fill out the entire map

#20 End of the Line

Finish the story