Grotto Trophy Set

Grotto Trophy Set 奖杯列表

白1 金7 银9 铜4 总21


Grotto Trophy Set

白1 金7 银9 铜4 总21

#1 Grotto Platinum

Unlock all other trophies for Grotto.

#2 Ey-Who-Knows-One-Star

Unveil a constellation.

#3 Ey-Who-Knows-Many-Stars

Unveil half the constellations on the sky.

#4 Ey-Who-Knows-All-Stars

Unveil every constellation there is.

#5 Ey-Who-Likes-Bones

Throw the bones a certain number of visits.

#6 Ey-Who-Should-Quit-Smoking

Smoke the pipe a certain number of visits.

#7 Ey-Who-Plays-Major-Chords

Play the strings a certain number of visits.

#8 Ey-Who-Likes-Em-Who-Does-Nothing

Choose green over blue.

#9 Ey-Who-Likes-Em-Who-Hunts

Choose blue over green.

#10 Ey-Who-Stopped-Hearing-Voices

Prioritize flesh over rock.

#11 Ey-Who-Doomed-Us-All

Prioritize rock over flesh.

#12 Ey-Who-Gives-Kids-Away

Save the life of a Good-for-Nothing.

#13 Ey-Who-Gives-Shelter

Let a traveler in distress share your roof.

#14 Ey-Who-Tells-Tales

Tell the kids a story the right way.

#15 Ey-Who-Saw-Flames

Behold how an icon turns to ashes.

#16 Ey-Who-Saw-Everything-Red

Meet a new tribe and learn a new language.

#17 Ey-Who-Named-Us

Give The Brutes their real name.

#18 Ey-Who-Killed-A-Child

Seriously, who can kill a child?

#19 Ey-Who-Mourns

Lose a friend.

#20 Ey-Who-Respects-Eir-Elders

Save the life of someone who has lived for quite a long time.

#21 Ey-Who-Makes-Good-Business

Make a merchant happy.