The Quest for Excalibur – Puy du Fou

The Quest for Excalibur – Puy du Fou 奖杯列表

白1 金7 银8 铜10 总26


The Quest for Excalibur – Puy du Fou

白1 金7 银8 铜10 总26

#1 King of the park

Unlock all the other trophies

#2 Marathon Training

Run 3 km in the park

#3 Hail Caesar!

Complete all the “Signe du Triomphe” trials

#4 What’s a Viking again?

Complete all the Viking trials

#5 Protector of the Kingdom of France

Complete all the “Secret de la Lance” trials

#6 Limited edition world tour

Bring back all of La Pérouse’s notebooks

#7 A well-kept treasure!

Restore Clovis' Treasure

#8 A most cunning mind

Complete all of La Fontaine's challenges

#9 So this shrapnel is magic?

Collect all the Excalibur Shards

#10 The Round Table is mine!

Free Arthur from his prison

#11 I did listen though, boss!

Complete the “Drakkars Race" trial, in hard mode, without making a mistake once

#12 Full-time lumberjack

Complete the “Axe Throwing” trial while getting all the axes on the target

#13 Valhalla will have to wait!

Complete the “Vikings Battle” trial in less than 180 seconds

#14 Archer of Sherwood

Complete the “Archery” trial without wasting any arrows

#15 Horsey bore

Complete the “High-Speed Chase” trial in less than 40 seconds

#16 Descendant of Ben-Hur

Complete the “Chariots Race” trial while finishing first at the end of each lap

#17 A champion, you say?

Defeat the Stadium champion while losing no more than 20% of your health in “Gladiators Fight”

#18 Herculean strength

Win the “Javelin Throwing” trial with an average throw greater than 140m on Hard

#19 Working like a galley slave!

Win the “Imperial Naumachia” trial without the galley’s life bar dropping under half

#20 An enchanting melody

Complete the “Musical Challenge” trial without missing a single note (on hard mode)

#21 It’s all in the mind

Complete the “Equestrian Vaulting” trial, in hard mode, without missing any double inputs

#22 A Puy du Fou champion

Complete the “Knight Training” trial without missing a single sequence

#23 Unparalleled aim

Complete the “Jousting” trial by hitting all the targets

#24 Right in the face

Complete the “Defending the Ramparts" trial after having knocked out at least 3 ladder carriers

#25 Tendonitis for the win

Complete the “Crossbow Shooting” trial in less than 60 seconds in hard mode

#26 Return of the king

Win the “Saving Arthur” trial by knocking out Morgana in less than 90 seconds