Palm Reading Premium

Palm Reading Premium 奖杯列表

金6 银10 总16


Palm Reading Premium

金6 银10 总16

#1 Heart Line Master

Finish the 'Heart Line' tests.

#2 Head Line Master

Finish the 'Head Line' tests.

#3 Life Line Master

Finish the 'Life Line' tests.

#4 Saturn Line Master

Finish the 'Saturn Line' tests.

#5 Apollo Line Master

Finish the 'Apollo Line' tests.

#6 Mercury Line Master

Finish the 'Mercury Line' tests.

#7 General Fingers Master

Finish the 'General Section' of the palm finger tests.

#8 Thumb Finger Master

Finish the 'Thumb Section' of the palm finger tests.

#9 Jupiter Finger Master

Finish the 'Jupiter Section' of the palm finger tests.

#10 Saturn Finger Master

Finish the 'Saturn Section' of the palm finger tests.

#11 Apollo Finger Master

Finish the 'Apollo Section' of the palm finger tests.

#12 Mercury Finger Master

Finish the 'Mercury Section' of the palm finger tests.

#13 Gifts and Marks Master

Finish the 'Gifts and Marks Section' of the palm extras tests.

#14 Hand Shapes Master

Finish the 'Hand Shapes Section' of the palm extras tests.

#15 Hand Compatibility Master

Finish the 'Hand Compatibility Section' of the palm extras tests.

#16 Palm Reading Guru

Finish all the tests available in this palm reading software.