Rise of the Triad

Rise of the Triad 奖杯列表

白1 金4 银15 铜14 总34


Rise of the Triad

白1 金4 银15 铜14 总34

#1 Completionist

Get all trophies

#2 YES!

Earn a Ludicrous Gibs Bonus

#3 Before It Was Cool

Get some serious air with a firebomb jump without dying

#4 Well Done!

Finish any level with all enemies killed and all secrets found

#5 Goin' Down the Fast Way

Beat "The HUNT Begins"

#6 CCCool

Beat "Dark War"

#7 Havana Smooth

Beat any level in "Extreme ROTT"

#8 I Choose The Stairs

Beat "The HUNT Continues"

#9 You're Late

Get to the very end of "The HUNT Begins" end-of-episode messages

#10 Buried In A Lunchbox

Defeat General Darian

#11 Not A Hallucination

Defeat Sebastian "Doyle" Krist

#12 Just A Rolling Trashcan

Defeat the NME

#13 A Bad Egg

Defeat El Oscuro without eliminating all of his eggs

#14 I Hate Snakes

Defeat El Oscuro while eliminating his eggs

#15 Wall to Wall

Find the entrance to "Wall to Wall"

#16 Turn of the Screw

Find the entrance to "Turn of the Screw"

#17 Elevator Trouble

Find the entrance to "Elevator Trouble"

#18 Eight Ways to Hell

Find the entrance to "Eight Ways to Hell"

#19 Switched Around

Find the entrance to "Switched Around"

#20 You Do Not Belong Here

Enter a warp-only level

#21 I'M FREE!

Free a moving wall from the confines of reality

#22 Developers...

Find the Developer Ball

#23 ...of Incredible...

Find the Incredible Ball

#24 ...Power!

Find the Power Ball

#25 Fish Polka

Find Scott's Mystical Head

#26 Fire From Olympus

Kill five enemies with a single God Mode Powerup fireball

#27 Seven Ten

Kill two enemies with a split missile

#28 Here Boy!

Kill three enemies with a Dog Mode Powerup bark blast

#29 "You're Toast"

Roast five enemies in one firewall shot

#30 Death From Above

Kill an enemy by landing on its head

#31 Wild Pitch

Kill five enemies in one level with the Excalibat special attack

#32 Painting The Walls

Gib an enemy while under the influence of the Shrooms Mode Powerdown

#33 Greed Is Good

Get an extra life by collecting Ankhs

#34 "Fool Me Once..."

Kill a Lightning Guard who previously played dead