TAPE: Unveil the memories

TAPE: Unveil the memories 奖杯列表

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TAPE: Unveil the memories

白1 金4 银17 铜11 总33

#1 And... Cut!

All done. It's a wrap up. Send it to postpro. This wasn’t our first movie together, but it’s the first we finish...

#2 Dada?

You maybe have doubts... That’s totally normal. Remember, you still have time to return the tape…

#3 Room 237

There are secrets you will never forgive. Not even to mum. How could she hide this from us? Does she loves us?

#4 Father’s Love

Usually it wasn’t so difficult, he was the short-fused type, but we made him mad. Again.

#5 “A Igrexa Vermella”

We're almost at the end. Just one last push to find out the truth…

#6 The Truth

We have told mum you know all about it, that you are sorry for the pain he caused her, but you can’t stop now. You'll find the ones who did it. No matter the cost.

#7 The Guardian

We didn't tell mum you know it, she already suffered enough because of him. Now it's your turn to look after her.

#8 The Runaway

We can't bear to tell mum you know it. We cannot let her know you cannot leave him. He’s our dad. Now you must run, leave it all behind.

#9 The call

We told mum you know all about it, you know she didn’t do anything to stop it and she’s as guilty as he is, a victim inside n executioner. He have his punishment, she have her penance, but you... The blood calls you and you only have solitude. Like me.

#10 The big picture

You found all the clues, you have all the information, and still... Why do you feel these memories don’t belong...?

#11 Special Report

I hope reading all those documents give you an idea of what was happening in Antumbria. You got enough painful memories for a lifetime...

#12 Your Special Place

Everyone dresses their mental palace as they want. Don't you think? You have your pictures. I have my walls...

#13 The Goblin Prince

You always were about writing stories. Like him and his scripts... Drawing was my thing.

#14 Preproduction

These scenes aren’t from real movies... You are not suppose to remember them. You weren't there when they happened. Then... Are those real?

#15 Shutter

The old family pictures have a mistery aura that always drawn us to them. But it's hard for me to recognize myself in them. My face is always so blurry...

#16 Director’s Cut

These kind of movie reels can only be found on the black market. He always got a ton of them in his office. It’s was forbidden, mum make sure of it.

#17 90s Summer Mix

Will you dance the monster mash? Doing bad things make you a monster, but... Being a monster justifies bad things happening to you? Or does bad things also happen to good people?

#18 There’s a tape for you

He always preferred to be behind the camera, no matter what happened, he never stops recording. Never. You were just like him.

#19 Be kind, Rewind

These are all the movies your father left you before… It's a terrifying collection. So fitting.

#20 Fangore

It's not yellow press, but still hits home.

#21 Pulp Fiction

You don't care about formats, horror stories are your thing, even if you're marked down as the weirdo.

#22 Raccord

You were never allowed to see your father's movies. At least you could read about them. You can feel him between these words. Will his works be worse if he behave better?

#23 A piece of evidence

A horrid statue depicting maternity, which you always hated. Form amny, a symbol of protection. To other, abandonment. For you, is just a chain… Maybe she doesn't know how to love you differently?

#24 A victim

Every 23rd of July Susana buys a spinning top, but it's not for her. Neither for you. It's for someone special... Me.

#25 A witness

We had a Super8 camera, but we never had a family video. Well, no video mum will let us keep.

#26 A sister

Recalling is not compulsory. Whenever you're ready, you're ready. Meanwhile, I'll be waiting for you, in our special place.

#27 The first decision

Will you tell your mother you regained our memories? Or will you forever lie? Does she need to know?

#28 The second decision

Wa your father a monster? Or can you justify what he did?

#29 A Dark Soul

He will always follow you… He will be part of you, and you will be part of him…

#30 The number 23

23 times around the clock on an endless corridor. Happy now? It could have been 237, but I'm a good boy…

#31 Silence, please

You tidied up a room for bad news. At least, now people can sit down in waiting.

#32 Coda

Is ironic that silence is necessary in order to appreciate the music. Although, without music is imposible not hearing the screams…

#33 Knigths & Princesses

You won't get back your wasted time stealing it from whom never could have it. You still have time to enjoy yours.