Use and win all 3 of your Mini-Game uses in 1 play-thru.
Meet the Doctor
Complete the game on any difficulty for the first time.
Scorched Earth
Defeat all of the Hell Bosses on Hard Difficulty in one play-thru.
Hard Ball
Complete the Game on Hard Difficulty.
Fire Immune
Defeat the 7th Hell Boss on any difficulty for the first time.
Complete Boss Rush for the first time with any playable Character.
The Nightmare is Over
Complete Boss Rush one time with all playable characters.
Hell Where?
Defeat the Boss of the 7th Hell Portal with each character on Hard.
Defeat Dr Sake with 7 or more lives and 3 minigames remaining on hard, Having also defeated the boss of the 7th layer of hell.
Sake Drip
Complete the Game on Hard Difficulty with every character.