Unusual Findings

Unusual Findings 奖杯列表

白1 金6 银10 铜14 总31


Unusual Findings

白1 金6 银10 铜14 总31

#1 Friends Forever

Long story going.

#2 Pony Hater

Don't go around saying that…

#3 Pony Rider

Can I have a pony for Christmas?

#4 Chicken?

Don’t you ever call me chicken again!

#5 Silent fall

Don't try this at home.

#6 Running man

I'm into survival.

#7 Honey Badger

We saw it on a documentary!

#8 Close Encounter of The Fourth Kind

We come in peace...

#9 I Am Error

We just hope you didn't brute force this.

#10 The Terminator

God knows how much time setting this trap…

#11 No time for nerd talk

No one knows everything.

#12 Against the odds

He is smart, he can do it...

#13 Like in Rocko III THIRD BLOOD

Your worst nightmare.

#14 It's over Johnny... I mean Nick

He might have a red bandana but he is not an action hero.

#15 Commando

Are you sure you can do this?

#16 Horror movie Cliche

Lucky for you we are not in a movie.

#17 The Abyss

Okay… this is the point of no return.

#18 Ladies man

Say anything...That's a neat trick but don't over do it.

#19 Look who's talking

He looks like a glitching robot when he is doing it.

#20 Giant Blue Eyed cockroaches

Unless you are a cockroach...

#21 Really bad hand

Even Indiana had to dealt with snakes.

#22 Runaway Train

What a great escape. Plissken would be proud!

#23 Team Mystery Stalkers

Maybe you can hire... the M-Team.

#24 One Man Army

You deserve some credit for your work.

#25 Short Circuit

We gotta disappear.

#26 Bloodsport

It ain't about how hard you hit.

#27 First Kiss

Believe me... This works... Said no one.

#28 We are The champions

After some training you get good at this.

#29 First Blood

You are not expendable.

#30 Little Shop of Horrors

Cool guys don't look at explosions.

#31 War Games

I love it when a plan comes together.