Ludo XXL

Ludo XXL 奖杯列表

金10 总10


Ludo XXL

金10 总10

#1 That’s a long jump!

Make 6 steps in one turn

#2 A new friend

Put a second playing piece on the board

#3 Back to the yard

Send an opponent playing piece back to the yard

#4 Teamplay

Have two playing pieces on the same square

#5 What a journey!

Get a playing piece to a home square

#6 Better luck next time

Start a turn with no valid move available

#7 Mad board

Have 4 playing pieces on the board simultaneously

#8 Unstoppable

Win a game without ever having a playing piece sent back to the yard

#9 Ludo on tour

Finish a game in all scenarios

#10 Master player

Win 100 games