Trophy Set Xmas, Super Puzzles Dream

Trophy Set Xmas, Super Puzzles Dream 奖杯列表

金6 银4 铜2 总12


Trophy Set Xmas, Super Puzzles Dream

金6 银4 铜2 总12

#1 Unlock and complete 10 puzzles in Junior mode

Unlock and complete 10 puzzles in Junior mode

#2 Unlock and complete 10 puzzles in Senior mode

Unlock and complete 10 puzzles in Senior mode

#3 Unlock and complete all puzzles in Junior mode

Unlock and complete all puzzles in Junior mode

#4 Unlock and complete all puzzles in Senior mode

Unlock and complete all puzzles in Senior mode

#5 Get 30 stars in Junior mode

Get 30 stars in Junior mode

#6 Get 30 stars in Senior mode

Get 30 stars in Senior mode

#7 Get 60 stars in Junior mode

Get 60 stars in Junior mode

#8 Get 60 stars in Senior mode

Get 60 stars in Senior mode

#9 Get 100 stars in Junior mode

Get 100 stars in Junior mode

#10 Get 100 stars in Senior mode

Get 100 stars in Senior mode

#11 Get all the stars in Junior mode

Get all the stars in Junior mode

#12 Get all the stars in Senior mode

Get all the stars in Senior mode