Criminal Expert

Criminal Expert 奖杯列表

白1 金10 银2 总13


Criminal Expert

白1 金10 银2 总13

#1 Old Stager

Unlock all throphies

#2 Criminal Expert

Win the game within two hours.

#3 True Detective

Win the game within three hours.

#4 Sherlock

Correctly search all apartments and state farms.

#5 Mastermind

Complete the puzzle correctly within 5 minutes.

#6 Rookie

Lose the game.

#7 Eagle Eye

Correctly recognize the car registration from the intro.

#8 Under Pressure

Make Justyna come to the next day twice

#9 Boring, boring...

Skip dialogue 30 times

#10 Procrastinator

Win solitaire

#11 Egghead

Complete the puzzle correctly within 10 minutes.

#12 Gone girls

Find evidence from the cases of missing women.

#13 You got a match!

Correctly match the evidence collected.