Microarcade Rockwork

Microarcade Rockwork 奖杯列表

白1 金8 银7 铜8 总24


Microarcade Rockwork

白1 金8 银7 铜8 总24

#1 Platinum Age

You have experienced some Stone Age!

#2 Beginner

Get 20 points for beating stones with stones

#3 Stone Slapper

Get 50 points

#4 Getting Good

Get 80 points

#5 Getting Bored

Get 150 points

#6 Getting Hungry

Get 200 points

#7 Getting Distracted

Get 230 points

#8 Getting Patient

Get 270 points

#9 Getting Strange Satisfaction

Get 300 points

#10 Rock it

Get 350 points

#11 Supreme Stone

Get 380 points

#12 Spearhead 1

Create a new type of a spearhead

#13 Spearhead 2

Create a new type of a spearhead

#14 Spearhead 3

Create a new type of a spearhead

#15 Spearhead 4

Create a new type of a spearhead

#16 Spearhead 5

Create a new type of a spearhead

#17 Spearhead 6

Create a new type of a spearhead

#18 Is it just your eyes?

Observe the drawings fade away

#19 Signal System 1

Just some marks on the wall...

#20 Signal System 2

Could they be a picture of something which doesn't have its own picture? Like of words?

#21 Getting Used to this

Get 400 points

#22 Getting Bit Tired

Get 450 points

#23 Getting Numb Fingers

Get 500 points

#24 All stones are different

Get 600 points