The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure

英雄传说:碧之轨迹 改 奖杯列表

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure

白1 金2 银4 铜50 总57

#1 Liberator of Crossbell

Mastered Trails to Azure and earned every trophy.

#2 An Enigma No More

Learned how to use the Enigma II.

#3 Superlative Slaying Squad

Collected all information in the Combat Notebook.

#4 Hometown Hero

Completed all quests.

#5 Walking on Sunshine

Collected all volumes of Sunshine Agnès.

#6 Trails to Treazure

Opened every treasure chest.

#7 Order in the Quartz

Collected all quartz.

#8 Decorated Officers

Collected all decorations and Enigma covers.

#9 Tender Loving Car

Collected all orbal car customization options.

#10 Undebaitable Angler

Caught all fish.

#11 Zhang Hui Would Be Proud

Obtained all recipes.

#12 Serve and Perfect

Created all supreme dishes.

#13 Gehenna's Kitchen

Created all peculiar dishes.

#14 Mira Mira on the Wall

Had one million mira or more.

#15 Search and Leisure

Played for over 100 hours.

#16 The Phantom Menace

Scored at least 4,000 points on the Horror Coaster.

#17 Pom Party Grandmaster

Defeated all opponents in Pom! Pom! Party!

#18 Petty Monst-emeanor

Achieved 100 victories in battle.

#19 Right to Remain Violent

Achieved 500 victories in battle.

#20 Voluntary Monslaughter

Achieved 1,000 victories in battle.

#21 Writ of Habeas Corpses

Defeated over 2,000 enemies.

#22 Flash Mob

Achieved 100 pre-emptive attacks.

#23 Break It Up

Used 100 S-Breaks.

#24 I'mma Let You Finish

Canceled 100 enemy arts or crafts.

#25 4.0 Average

Won a battle with a tactical bonus of ×4.00 or more.

#26 Three-peat Beat

Won a chain of three consecutive battles.

#27 Octa-GONE

Defeated 8 enemies at once.

#28 Sixteen Going on Severing

Defeated 16 enemies in a single battle.

#29 Burst on the Scene

Activated Burst 50 times.

#30 Strong Arms of the Law

Acquired the strongest weapon for any character.

#31 Masterful Artistry

Gain access to all seven master arts.

#32 The Last Orbender

Became able to use each element's strongest art at the same time.

#33 Peerless Heroes

Raised Lloyd, Elie, Tio, and Randy to level 120.

#34 Co-op Clobbering

Learned every combo craft.

#35 Pride of the Precinct

Became a 1st Class Senior Detective.

#36 No Hard Feelings?

Completed the game on hard or nightmare difficulty.

#37 Nightmare on East Street

Completed the game on nightmare difficulty.

#38 Terminal Diagnosis

Analyzed every D∴G cult terminal.

#39 Grim Realization

Deduced Mr. Grimwood's role as the mastermind.

#40 One in a Vermillion

Defeated Vermillion.

#41 Forged in Battle

Brought the Steel Maiden to her knees.

#42 A Demon Twice Removed

Completed the Prologue, 'Traces of D.'

#43 Out of Sight, Out of Mine

Completed Chapter 1, 'Bright Skies, Gathering Storms.'

#44 Tower of Terror

Completed Chapter 2, 'The West Zemuria Trade Conference.'

#45 Rest and Revolution

Completed the Intermission, 'A Brief Respite.'

#46 The Distant Flames

Completed Chapter 3, 'Budding Turmoil.'

#47 The World Beyond the Mirror

Completed Chapter 4, 'Crossbell's Fate.'

#48 The Prison of Hard Knox

Completed the Fragments, 'Crossing False Paradise.'

#49 From Zero to Azure

Completed the Finale, 'The Path We Chose.'

#50 Fine-Elie Together

Forged a strong bond with Elie.

#51 Plato-nic Ideal

Forged a strong bond with Tio.

#52 Randy for Randy

Forged a strong bond with Randy.

#53 Seeker, Found

Forged a strong bond with Noel.

#54 Heavenly Host

Forged a strong bond with Wazy.

#55 Mao Than a Feeling

Forged a strong bond with Rixia.

#56 Detective Do-Right

Forged a strong bond with Dudley.

#57 The Girls Are Alright

Forged a strong bond with KeA, Fran, Cecile, Ilya, and Sully.
2023-07-01 19:36