The Button Be Mizzle

The Button Be Mizzle 奖杯列表

白1 金9 银4 铜8 总22


The Button Be Mizzle

白1 金9 银4 铜8 总22

#1 Be

You have discovered everything!

#2 Try

Press the button

#3 Hop

Acquire 15 points

#4 Red

Discover the red sense

#5 Chi

Acquire 25 points

#6 Chi 2

Acquire 50 points

#7 Chi 3

Acquire 60 points

#8 Chi 4

Acquire 70 points

#9 Red 2

Invoke Red sense at least 5 times without falling to 1 point

#10 Circa

Produce the fortitudinous thing to be

#11 Set

Acquire 90 points

#12 Set 2

Acquire 99 points

#13 Set 3

Acquire 101 points

#14 Set 4

Acquire 109 points

#15 Blu

Discover the blue sense

#16 Fin

Acquire 171 points

#17 Circa 2

Produce the necessary thing to be

#18 Red 3

Invoke Red sense at least 10 times without falling to 1 point

#19 Blu 2

Invoke the blue sense for at least 9 times

#20 Unio

What if both senses acted together?

#21 Unio 2

What if both senses acted together for a bit longer?

#22 Set 5

Acquire 133 points
2024-08-24 19:54
2024-07-16 01:33
2024-07-15 23:40
2024-05-25 18:41