Trophy Set for Fig

Trophy Set for Fig 奖杯列表

白1 金6 银9 铜10 总26


Trophy Set for Fig

白1 金6 银9 铜10 总26

#1 Figure

Earn all trophies

#2 Might as well jump

Kill Jumper

#3 Black Hawk down

Kill Flyer

#4 Rag for the bull

Kill Runner

#5 Father figure

Complete main plot

#6 Harder, better, faster, stronger

Unlock all available abilities

#7 Shoot that lever now or never

Complete first LAB room

#8 Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?

Complete last LAB room

#9 Wind of Changes

Complete wind sequence

#10 Blowin’ in the wind

Get real high real fast

#11 Hail to the king

Complete all Jumper challenge

#12 Helicopter, Helicopter

Complete all Flyer challenge


Complete one Flyer challenge using complex fly mode

#14 Kiwi

Enable simple flying mode in Flyer challenges

#15 Graduate

Complete all warehouse tutorials

#16 Flash

Avoid getting killed by bomb in supersonic style

#17 Fig.1

Complete all possible levels in the game

#18 Predator

Kill every type of enemy in the game

#19 Blind run

Where’s my flashlight?

#20 Aimbot

Hit falling bomb first try in Lab 10

#21 Taste of it own medicine

Deflect the bullet

#22 Pilot

complete Flyer level without dying

#23 Speedrunner

Finish plot in less than 25 min

#24 Short game

Finish plot in less than 15 min

#25 Enemy Territory

launch Warehouse

#26 Indestructible

Finish all rider Levels
2023-10-14 23:21