Syzygy: The Power of the Eclipse

Syzygy: The Power of the Eclipse 奖杯列表

白1 金8 银6 铜7 总22


Syzygy: The Power of the Eclipse

白1 金8 银6 铜7 总22

#1 Legend

You achieved all the trophies of Syzygy, your name will not be forgotten.

#2 Collector

You have found all the treasures of the island, congratulations!

#3 Roadrunner

You finished the game in less than 4h, you're faster than light!

#4 Invincible

You finished the game with 10 or less defeats in your counter, the word "skilled" defines you well.

#5 Gold Rush

You finished the game without spending any coin. Good job but try to spend some buckets next time.

#6 Geologist

You have found all the gems of the island, congratulations!

#7 Pacifist

You finished the game beating less than 75 enemies, you know how to flee with elegance!

#8 Something strange

Just an easter egg, keep playing.

#9 The power of the eclipse

You have defeated Naaj and saved the humanity at same time, you deserve a rest.

#10 Clobberin' Time

You have defeated 100 enemies or more, who said "fear"?

#11 Tightfisted

You have collected 500 coins or more, very nice collection!

#12 A square peg in a round hole

You have drowned 25 times, did you try to swim?

#13 Locksmith

You have opened the door of Naaj's Temple, caution with the traps of Naaj!

#14 The Big Key

You have founded the key for Naaj's prison, now watch out with his claws.

#15 Checking master

You have checked 25 times through the checkpoints of the game, very good!

#16 Business Skills

You have defeated 25 enemies or more, your fighting skills are remarkable!

#17 Syzygy Jones

You almost got squashed by a classic.

#18 This is just the beginning

You have founded the main door of Naaj's prison, now let's try to open it.

#19 Filling the money box

You have collected 100 coins or more, don't spend all of them in one time!

#20 Close Kombat

You have finished your first closed fight, ¡get ready for the next battle!

#21 Consolation prize

You have been defeated at least 25 times, take this as a little incentive for your mood

#22 Home, sweet home

You have stayed inside your house at least 15 minutes, you should try to go outside.