Drunkn Bar Fight

Drunkn Bar Fight 奖杯列表

金1 银3 铜7 总11


Drunkn Bar Fight

金1 银3 铜7 总11

#1 Nutz

Hit AI character in nuts

#2 Bullzeye

Hit an AI character in the eye with a dart

#3 Tunez

Change the radio station

#4 Comboz

Hit an AI character up in the air and punch him before he lands

#5 Batz

Use bat on opponent

#6 Headz

Throw up over side in rooftop

#7 Gustz

Use fire extinguisher

#8 Lightz

Drop lights on opponent in Saloon

#9 Bubbliez

Hit opponent with cork from champagne

#10 Dropz

Send opponent off building

#11 Tossz

Throw opponent into other opponents
2023-11-21 18:03