Daydream: Forgotten Sorrow

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Daydream: Forgotten Sorrow

白1 金10 银2 铜2 总15

#1 Is this the end?

Is this the end?

#2 On a Journey!

I've always dreamed of going on a long journey.

#3 Mother's Song

The tape reminded me of a forgotten dream. I haven't seen her so full of joy in a long time.

#4 A Kid's Toy

I fixed the toy he broke while staggering to his study.

#5 What a Mess!

He was mad when he saw what I'd done, but I wasn't afraid of him anymore. He couldn't do me or her any harm.

#6 Secret Lair

I've made a shelter. Now I have a place to hide and dream.

#7 A Light in the Darkness

I thought about running away all the time, but I was afraid. In the end, I decided I needed to cast off my doubts as soon as possible.

#8 Winds of Change

After talking to a therapist, I was able to drive away the difficult thoughts that had plagued me. I felt so light, it was like I could fly.

#9 Oops!

When I met her, I was terrified of making a mistake. But if you don't take risks, nothing good will ever happen.

#10 The Flower

I didn't want to share what was deep inside of me, but I eventually decided to be honest with her.

#11 Vague Memories

We're together now. For better or for worse. Forever.

#12 The Swing Set

I gave him an old toy of mine. I'll do my best to make sure he has more happy memories than I did.

#13 The Last Drawing

He was crying so hard, and he wanted to go with me... but that time I was too busy and didn't do a good job taking care of him.

#14 The Pieces

In the morning, I looked in the mirror and saw my father's cloudy gaze. I need to stop. I refuse to be like him.

#15 The Finale

I'm going to do everything right this time.