502's Arcade

502's Arcade 奖杯列表

白1 金1 银3 铜56 总61


502's Arcade

白1 金1 银3 铜56 总61

#1 King of the Arcade

Earn every Trophy in 502's Arcade

#2 Can you pet the cat?

Pet the 4 different colors of cats

#3 Great spirit sealing!

Make a 5X combo

#4 Amazing spirit sealing!

Make a 9X combo

#5 Perfect spirit sealing!

Make a 15X combo

#6 Pottery Collector

Destroy 50 pots

#7 Sharpshooter

Hit spirits with projectiles 100 times

#8 Resourceful

Equip all projectiles during a game

#9 Novice Priestess

Seal 100 spirits

#10 High Priestess

Seal 300 spirits

#11 Supreme Priestess

Seal 500 spirits

#12 Broken Mask

Defeat the Oni

#13 Tempest

Defeat the Nukekubi

#14 Idle hands

Defeat the Waira

#15 Lightning rod

Defeat the Tengu

#16 Sealing Expert

Complete a loop finishing all levels with an S rank

#17 Nice combo!

Make a 2 potions chain

#18 Great combo!

Make a 3 potions chain

#19 Amazing combo!

Make a 5 potions chain

#20 Long term business

Play 100 times

#21 Danger Zone

Stay on the "danger zone" for more than 30 seconds

#22 First 100!

Make 100 potions

#23 Hard worker

Make 300 potions

#24 Cauldron Expert

Make 500 potions

#25 Getting off the ground

Prepare 100 recipes

#26 Happy customers

Prepare 300 recipes

#27 Keeping up the business

Prepare 500 recipes

#28 Master Chef

Prepare 1000 recipes

#29 Leveling up!

Reach Level 5

#30 Rush hour!

Reach Level 10

#31 I can do this all day!

Reach Level 15

#32 Pest control

Defeat 200 enemies

#33 The exterminator

Defeat 500 enemies

#34 Let them burn!

Defeat 150 enemies with the flamethrower

#35 Bombs away!

Defeat 65 enemies with the grenade launcher

#36 Demolition time!

Defeat 80 enemies with the rocket launcher

#37 Beetle collector

Defeat the first area's boss

#38 Tremors!

Defeat the second area's boss

#39 It came from outer space

Defeat the third area's boss

#40 A walk in the park

Complete the first area without losing health

#41 Is it hot in here?

Complete the second area without losing health

#42 Untouchable

Complete a loop without losing any health

#43 Bug squasher

Defeat at least one enemy of each kind

#44 Arsenal

Use all weapons in the game

#45 Team work

Complete a loop with every character

#46 Here we go again!

Complete a second loop of the game

#47 Beat em up!

Defeat 700 enemies

#48 Overboard

Throw 200 enemies into the water

#49 Dead weight

Defeat 200 enemies while they're holding a chest

#50 Collateral Damage

Throw 125 objects or enemies into other enemies

#51 Electrifying

Defeat 140 enemies using the lightning attack

#52 Escaping Jone's locker

Defeat the first boss

#53 Siren's song

Defeat the second boss

#54 Sea monster

Defeat the third boss

#55 Shopping spree

Buy all upgrades at least once

#56 Dead man's chest

Keep all your treasure chests until round 10

#57 Ahoy, me hearties!

Get 3 helper parrots during the same run

#58 Fire and gunpowder

Defeat 70 enemies using the portable cannon

#59 All that glitters is not gold

Defeat 40 special shiny enemies

#60 Pillage

Recover 3 chests during the same run

#61 Sail the seven seas

Complete a second loop