The Forest Cathedral

The Forest Cathedral 奖杯列表

白1 金11 总12


The Forest Cathedral

白1 金11 总12

#1 Thanks for playing

Achieve every trophy

#2 Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane

Spray five swamps with DDT

#3 Well done, Rachel

Learn to use your tools and finish the Warehouse section

#4 Perfectly normal

Finish the first Scan of the swamp with the little man

#5 Oh heavens

Scan the DDT particles in the swamp

#6 Looks like the power is back on

Use the little man to restore power to Mr. Valve

#7 Not great, not terrible

Complete the Fish Ladder terminal

#8 All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

Complete the Gate Terminal

#9 I'm right. I am right

Come to a realization about DDT's interaction with the food chain

#10 I'm no trying to hurt you

Complete the Eagle's nest terminal

#11 Just you and me, Little Man

Complete the final terminal with the little man

#12 Whistleblower

Tell the world about the dangers of DDT