
Terraformers 奖杯列表

白1 银7 铜56 总64



白1 银7 铜56 总64

#1 Mars is there, waiting to be reached

Obtain all other trophies.

#2 The Red Planet Awaits - Pioneer

Win "The Red Planet Awaits" scenario on any mastery level.

#3 The Red Planet Awaits - Master

Win "The Red Planet Awaits" scenario on mastery level 15 or higher.

#4 The Red Planet Awaits - Grand Master

Win "The Red Planet Awaits" scenario on mastery level 45 or higher.

#5 Red Path - Pioneer

Win the "Red Path" scenario on any mastery level.

#6 Red Path - Master

Win the "Red Path" scenario on mastery level 15 or higher.

#7 Red Path - Grand Master

Win the "Red Path" scenario on mastery level 45 or higher.

#8 Green Path - Pioneer

Win the "Green Path" scenario on any mastery level.

#9 Green Path - Master

Win the "Green Path" scenario on mastery level 15 or higher.

#10 Green Path - Grand Master

Win the "Green Path" scenario on mastery level 45 or higher.

#11 Blue Path - Pioneer

Win the "Blue Path" scenario on any mastery level.

#12 Blue Path - Master

Win the "Blue Path" scenario on mastery level 15 or higher.

#13 Blue Path - Grand Master

Win the "Blue Path" scenario on mastery level 45 or higher.

#14 Per Aspera Ad Astra - Pioneer

Win the "Per Aspera Ad Astra" scenario on any mastery level.

#15 Per Aspera Ad Astra - Master

Win the "Per Aspera Ad Astra" scenario on mastery level 15 or higher.

#16 Per Aspera Ad Astra - Grand Master

Win the "Per Aspera Ad Astra" scenario on mastery level 45 or higher.

#17 Planet of Knowledge - Pioneer

Win the "Planet of Knowledge" scenario on any mastery level.

#18 Planet of Knowledge - Master

Win the "Planet of Knowledge" scenario on mastery level 15 or higher.

#19 Planet of Knowledge - Grand Master

Win the "Planet of Knowledge" scenario on mastery level 45 or higher.

#20 Expansionist - Pioneer

Win the "Expansionist" scenario on any mastery level.

#21 Expansionist - Master

Win the "Expansionist" scenario on mastery level 15 or higher.

#22 Expansionist - Grand Master

Win the "Expansionist" scenario on mastery level 45 or higher.

#23 Mastery 1 Platinum

Complete all scenarios on mastery level 1 in 65 turns or less.

#24 Mastery 3 Platinum

Complete all scenarios on mastery level 3 in 65 turns or less.

#25 Mastery 6 Platinum

Complete all scenarios on mastery level 6 in 65 turns or less.

#26 Mastery 10 Platinum

Complete all scenarios on mastery level 10 in 65 turns or less.

#27 Mastery 15 Platinum

Complete all scenarios on mastery level 15 in 65 turns or less.

#28 Mastery 21 Platinum

Complete all scenarios on mastery level 21 in 65 turns or less.

#29 Mastery 28 Platinum

Complete all scenarios on mastery level 28 in 65 turns or less.

#30 Mastery 36 Platinum

Complete all scenarios on mastery level 36 in 65 turns or less.

#31 Mastery 45 Platinum

Complete all scenarios on mastery level 45 in 65 turns or less.

#32 Weekly Terraformer

Win a Weekly Challenge.

#33 We'll Come Back Stronger

Lose a game.

#34 Global Warming

Raise the temperature level to 3.

#35 The Big Blue

Raise the ocean level to 3.

#36 Ozone Layer

Raise the oxygen level to 3.

#37 A Breath Of Fresh Air

Raise the atmosphere level to 3.

#38 Going Nuclear

Nuke both poles in a single game.

#39 Mass Eruption

Erupt 2 volcanoes in a single game.

#40 Bacteria

Have 6 different bacteria on the planet.

#41 A Green Planet

Have 6 different trees on the planet.

#42 Wildlife

Have 6 different animals on the planet.

#43 Gardener of Life

Have 15 unique life forms on the planet.

#44 The Place To Be

Have a city with a comfort of living of 15.

#45 The Place To NOT Be

Have a city with a comfort of living of -5.

#46 Metropolis

Have a city that owns 20 locations.

#47 Moons of Mars

Found a city on both Phobos and Deimos in a single game.

#48 Just in Time

Win a game with 10 or less support stored.

#49 New Netherlands

Build 30 dike levels in a single game.

#50 Seafaring

Construct a building or mine on an ocean location.

#51 Ocean Dwellers

Have buildings or mines on 20 owned ocean locations.

#52 Big Business

Trade a total of 25 resources in a single turn.

#53 Boombastic

Clear 50 rocks in a single game.

#54 My Own City

Rename 5 cities in a single game.

#55 A New Home

House all Earth's refugees, have no slums on the planet.

#56 Balanced Atmospheres

Import CO2 from Earth.

#57 Al Ca-gone

Prevent the Martian Mafia from stealing any resources in all 5 of their attempts.

#58 Crimson Wind

Win a game after accepting the bribe from the Martian Mafia.

#59 No Armageddon On My Watch

Destroy the apocalyptic asteroid.

#60 Danger averted

Redirect the apocalyptic asteroid.

#61 The Martian

Hire Camille Williams.

#62 No Earth Society

Hire Nathan Patterson.

#63 Museum of Curiosity

Construct the Rover Museum.

#64 Life finds a way

Discover life on Mars.
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