
Re.Surs 奖杯列表

白1 金6 银9 铜13 总29



白1 金6 银9 铜13 总29

#1 Re.Surs

Get all other trophies

#2 Wake up, Detective

Remember how it all started

#3 Failed Raid

Defeat Criminal Boss

#4 Who is that Sorcerer?

Survive the first encounter with the Sorcerer

#5 Unexpected meeting

Basil joins Detective's side

#6 Big mouth

Find out that the Sorcerer is going to the Nexus Tower

#7 Lost Highway

Get back to Modern-City alive

#8 Future enemy of the people

Tell about the danger for Modern-City in Reception Hall

#9 Alpha & Omega

Get access to the service elevator in the Nexus Tower Labs

#10 L for Lambda Lab

Reach the Main Laboratory

#11 Pyramid Raider

Meet with Helga Hoft

#12 Elusive Jessie

Don't get caught on surveillance cameras in Saxara-City

#13 Face to face

Meet the Unknown One for the first time

#14 Mystical pyramid

Enter the pyramid

#15 An ancient evil has (not) been awakened...

Defeat Proto.Demon

#16 The dustbin of history

Basil agreed to play a police bait

#17 No laughing matter

Defeat Bittersweetus

#18 Heroes in a half shell

Get into the underground canals of Modern-City

#19 Anti-Spider-Man

Defeat Proto.MechSpider

#20 Uninvited guest

Meet the Unknown One in the Re.Serv World

#21 Re.Serv World…Connecting People

Detective is reunited with her companions

#22 And here is the Beta!

Get access to the secret laboratory of Nexus Tower

#23 The party is over!

The Sorcerer is defeated. But the source of Re.Surs is now with him

#24 Hotter than hell

Teleport to the Underworld

#25 Detective the Demon Slayer

Defeat Proto.Master

#26 Rest time, Detective

Remember how it ended

#27 Over 9000!

"Do you like hurting demons..?"

#28 Heroes Never Die...Kinda.

"You can't die, it's only in your brain..."

#29 (Not!) a punching bag

"You are tough cookies..!"