Parasol Stars

Parasol Stars 奖杯列表

白1 金5 银3 铜28 总37


Parasol Stars

白1 金5 银3 铜28 总37

#1 Parasol Champion

Unlock all other trophies

#2 Meet the One Man Band!

Encounter the boss "One Man Band"

#3 Music Star Cleared!

Clear World 1

#4 Meet Super Vio-kun!

Encounter the boss "Super Vio-kun"

#5 Woods Star Cleared!

Clear World 2

#6 Meet Super Eramo!

Encounter the boss "Super Eramo"

#7 Ocean Star Cleared!

Clear World 3

#8 Meet Super Tom-kun!

Encounter the boss "Super Tom-kun"

#9 Machine Star Cleared!

Clear World 4

#10 Meet the Casino Queen!

Encounter the boss "Casino Queen"

#11 Gamble Star Cleared!

Clear World 5

#12 Meet Super UFO!

Encounter the boss "Super UFO"

#13 Clouds Star Cleared!

Clear World 6

#14 Meet Mechazaurus!

Encounter the boss "Mechazaurus"

#15 Giant Star Cleared!

Clear World 7

#16 Meet the Boss of Shadow!

Encounter the boss "Boss of Shadow"

#17 Rainbow Star Cleared!

Clear World 8

#18 Never Give Up!

Continue after a Game Over

#19 Student of Fire

Use Fire Miracle for the First Time

#20 Student of Electric

Use Electric Miracle for the First Time

#21 Student of Water

Use Water Miracle for the First Time

#22 Master of Fire

Get 3x Fire Miracles

#23 Master of Electric

Get 3x Electric Miracles

#24 Master of Water

Get 3x Water Miracles

#25 Score Junior

Clear 3,000,000 Points

#26 Score Master

Clear 5,000,000 Points

#27 Lives Junior

Have 6 or more Lives

#28 Lives Master

Have 10 or more Lives

#29 Float like a Butterfly

Float in the air for 10 or more seconds

#30 Child of Stars

Unlock World 9

#31 Meet Super Drunk!

Encounter the boss "Super Drunk"

#32 Bubble Star Cleared!

Clear World 9

#33 Meet Chaostikhan!

Encounter the boss "Chaostikhan"

#34 Underworld Cleared!

Clear World 10

#35 A Door Still Locked…

Get the Bad Ending

#36 Escape the Cave of Monsters

Get the Good Ending

#37 Five's a Company

Create an Enemy Chain of Five or More