Democracy 4: Console Edition

Democracy 4: Console Edition 奖杯列表

白1 金5 铜35 总41


Democracy 4: Console Edition

白1 金5 铜35 总41

#1 Democracy Manifest

A true politician, you have played all sides - an authoritarian libertarian, and a socialist capitalist.

#2 Cult Of Personality

The dictionary definition of personality is a picture of YOU!

#3 Coalition Kid

Absolute power may corrupt absolutely, but it’s easier than leading a coalition government twice.

#4 Living In The Future

High speed internet, High technology, a decent space program and driverless cars.

#5 Taxahontas

If it moves, tax it!

#6 Everybody Out!

Everybody out! Literally in this case, strikes everywhere.

#7 Dangerous Streets

You will know my name by my trail of astronomically high crime figures

#8 Heir to Ayn Rand

A rising tide lifts all the super yachts in the harbour…but also submerges the smaller vessels.

#9 Ecotopia

You have become a true hero of the environmental movement, expect a statue made of recycled plastic.

#10 Wrapped In The Flag

50% of our country is now draped in, in the shadow of, or actually made from flags.

#11 Bulletproof Politics

It’s astonishing how many times an assassin's bullet has failed to achieve its objective.

#12 Intergalactic Socialism

Bust out the cosmonaut outfits, this socialist utopia is going into orbit.

#13 Academic Paradise

People use terms like 'technocracy' to describe your efforts to build a super educated population.

#14 Ignorance Is Bliss

Congratulations, here’s your reward for winning the race for the intellectual bottom.

#15 Food! Drugs! Alcohol!

Our citizens do enjoy a bit of the good stuff these days, be it alcohol, tobacco, or just donuts.

#16 Apocalypse Now

Food and water are in short supply, but I’ll tell you what isn't. Violent gangs and violent storms.

#17 Festival Of Firearms

We now have more guns in the country than we do dogs, cats, people and birds combined.

#18 The All Seeing State

Obviously only people who have something to hide have any real reason to fear the gaze of the state.

#19 Squeeze The Rich

The rich may not be cuddly, but we still enjoy giving them a darned good squeeze now and then.

#20 Subsidy Sam

If you want to get something done, you subsidize it.

#21 Infrastructure Addict

Transport is bigger and better! Space program is bigger and better! Prisons are bigger and better!

#22 No Salad Left Behind

You can judge a society by what they eat, our society is as healthy as they come.

#23 Workers Wonderland

Short hours, high wages and agreeable working practices make this a paradise for people in work!

#24 Top Marx

We have built a socialist paradise on earth, mostly by banning anything that looks too capitalist.

#25 Start Your Engines

What do we want? CARS! When do we want them? CARS!

#26 Anything Goes

We’ve developed a reputation of being a wild west where anybody can do anything they like.

#27 Praise The Lord

Praise the lord! For our country has truly achieved heights of impressive piety.

#28 Silicon Paradise

The geek shall inherit the earth! Or make everyday life quite difficult without their inventions.

#29 Successful Liar

Your reluctance to stick to manifesto pledges is something of vote winner. Congratulations, I guess.

#30 Strong Arm Of The Law

Strong on crime, strong on the causes of crime.

#31 Secret State

Who are we to tell you what to do? Oh, that's right we're a brutal, authoritarian regime.

#32 Healthy Living

A healthy nation, is a happy and productive nation (probably).

#33 Gravedigging Boom

Son, if you want to make money these days I have just one word for you: Gravedigging.

#34 Spotlight Junkie

Could you spend 5 minutes away from every media platform to just run the country? Please?!?

#35 Children Are Our Future

You truly believe that future generations should have things better off than those that came before.

#36 Rural Tranquility

Our cities may stink, but everyone agrees the rural parts of our country are a great place to be!

#37 United Nations

Our country is at the nexus of international agreement and has a reputation second to none.

#38 Shuffle-Meister

Do all of your ministerial offices come with revolving doors fitted as standard?

#39 Lonely At The Top

Just keep saying to yourself “Winners don’t quit” and add them to the autobiography hit list.

#40 Margin Of Error

When we said "Enjoy governing with that wafer thin majority" it was sarcasm, not a credo.

#41 Viva La Revolution

They said a socialist paradise could not be built, but we have built it here together!