Heads Up! Phones Down Edition

Heads Up! Phones Down Edition 奖杯列表

金1 银5 铜4 总10


Heads Up! Phones Down Edition

金1 银5 铜4 总10

#1 Heads Up Novice

Play ten different decks

#2 Heads Up Apprentice

Play twenty-five different decks

#3 Heads Up Genius

Play fifty different decks

#4 Hit the Deck

Play a deck

#5 Heads Up Master

Play ninety different decks

#6 High Five

Correctly guess five words in a row

#7 Just Can't Lose

Guessed every word in a round correctly

#8 The Last Second

Guessed a word in the last second of the round

#9 I'll Pass

Pass three words in a row

#10 Heads Down

Didn't guess any words in the round