Wire Lips

Wire Lips 奖杯列表

白1 金7 银14 总22


Wire Lips

白1 金7 银14 总22

#1 The Legend of the Track

Mastered every challenge. Uncovered every secret. Conquered every road. The legend lives within you.

#2 Stitched Silence

Felt the cold stare of the yarn doll watching from the shadows.

#3 Memories Best Forgotten

Unraveled secrets that might have been better left buried.

#4 Chained Memories

Unearthed a tale intertwined with the fine links of the past.

#5 Instant Dread

Captured a moment on film that wasn't there in reality.

#6 Out of Focus

Snapped a picture that blurred the line between reality and terror.

#7 Sealed Secrets

Found documents or items in the box hinting at a dark history.

#8 Faces of Fate

It's unveils its deepest secrets.

#9 Flickering Past

Discovered an old film reel that holds memories best forgotten.

#10 Keeper of the Flame

Used the candle's light to navigate through the encompassing darkness.

#11 Tangled Truths

Discovered the wire-wrapped branch that hides more than just its bark.

#12 Warm Warning

Felt an uneasy feeling as the kettle got hot.

#13 Gravity's Tale

Witnessed a book defy logic and fall on its own.

#14 Time to Sleep

Recognized the need to rest amidst the chaos.

#15 Grab the Torch

Acquired the flashlight, illuminating the path through darkness.

#16 Ghostly Grip

Experienced the chilling touch of a phantom, as it sealed your exit.

#17 Threefold Enigma

Delved into the third layer of the unknown.

#18 Culinary Creep

Found something in the kitchen that wasn't on the menu.

#19 Chill of the Spine

Felt the true essence of fear, creeping within.

#20 Almost Touched

A monstrous hand revealed, but not the full menace.

#21 Photo Finish

Realized it isn't just observing, it's capturing memories.

#22 The End...?

Concluded the journey, yet questions still linger.