Age of Sokoban

Age of Sokoban 奖杯列表

白1 金11 总12


Age of Sokoban

白1 金11 总12

#1 Keeper of Secrets

You have all the secrets.

#2 Enigma Embarkment

Finish the Level 1.

#3 Explorer's Odyssey

Finish the Level 5.

#4 Endless Endeavors

Finish the Level 10.

#5 Perseverance Pursuit

Finish the level 15.

#6 Ultimate Victory

Finish the all Egypt levels.

#7 Snake Killer's

Kill the snake.

#8 Two Push Boxes

Use the two push boxes.

#9 Ancient Greek

Access ancient Greek levels.

#10 Athena's Conquest

Finish the Level 19.

#11 Poseidon's Trident

Use the two push boxes in Greek Levels.

#12 Vase

Move the vase in Greek Levels.