Sticks Aim Trainer

Sticks Aim Trainer 奖杯列表

金4 银5 铜4 总13


Sticks Aim Trainer

金4 银5 铜4 总13

#1 Create Character Profile

Create and save a character profile.

#2 Create Weapon Profile

Create and save a weapon profile.

#3 Create Task Playlist

Create and save a task playlist.

#4 Play 1 Task

Complete a single task.

#5 Play 5 Tasks

Complete 5 tasks on any difficulty.

#6 Play 10 Tasks

Complete 10 tasks on any difficulty.

#7 Play 100 Tasks

Complete 100 tasks on any difficulty.

#8 Score 100k on Task

Obtain a score of 100k or greater on any task.

#9 Sharpshooter

Obtain a 100% accuracy on any task.

#10 Play Precision

Play any task on precision difficulty.

#11 Play 10 Precision Tasks

Play 10 precision tasks.

#12 AFK

Run to bathroom?

#13 Millionaire

Have you seen the sun?