
cyubeVR 奖杯列表

白1 金1 银11 铜42 总55



白1 金1 银11 铜42 总55

#1 Voxel Visionary

Obtain all other trophies

#2 Tree Beater

Hit a tree with the stick until a piece of wood breaks off

#3 Bunny Grabber

Grabbed a bunny while alive

#4 Astronaut Deer

Shoot a deer into the sky

#5 Master of Color

Crafted a colored torch

#6 Efficient Master of Color

Recolored an existing torch

#7 Everyone started small

Placed a block

#8 Destruction

Destroyed a block

#9 It‘s moving

Moved a previously placed block

#10 Into the Inventory

Collected a block item using the bucket

#11 Want to sit?

Crafted and placed a chair

#12 Joiner

Crafted and placed a chest

#13 Let there be light

Placed a torch

#14 The First Pickaxe

Crafted a stone pickaxe

#15 The First Shovel

Crafted a stone shovel

#16 Heavy Tool

Crafted a copper sledgehammer

#17 One of many

Collected the first recipe paper

#18 Found Them All

Unlocked all recipes

#19 Miner

Mined 50 blocks

#20 Advanced Miner

Mined 500 blocks

#21 Expert Miner

Mined 5000 blocks

#22 Builder

Placed 50 blocks

#23 Advanced Builder

Placed 500 blocks

#24 Expert Builder

Placed 5000 blocks

#25 Magic of the Moon

Fully charged a crystal red

#26 Solar Magic

Fully charged a crystal blue

#27 Processed Wood

Created processed wood

#28 The First Axe

Crafted a stone axe

#29 That's Power

Dual wielded copper sledgehammers

#30 RGB

Gathered dye from a rainbow flower

#31 Quiver

Grabbed a new arrow from behind your back while using the bow

#32 A real Compass

Crafted a compass

#33 You're rich!

Mined and collected gold

#34 If it looks like copper, it's copper

Mined and collected copper

#35 Absolute Zero

Got down to the absolute bottom of the world and tried to damage one of the indestructible blocks

#36 Lumberjack

Fell a tree using an axe

#37 Tidy

Attached a tool to a wall mount

#38 Dye

Gathered dye from a flower

#39 It blows

Used bucket with charged red crystal attached

#40 It sucks

Used bucket with charged blue crystal attached

#41 If you want to use a tool, set it free

Dragged a tool out of the inventory

#42 Smaller and Bigger!

Resized a picture frame

#43 It's moving too

Moved a chest with your hands

#44 What a nice explosion

Destroyed a scaffolding block using bow and arrow

#45 Crafter

Crafted 50 blocks

#46 Advanced Crafter

Crafted 500 blocks

#47 Coal Miner

Mined and collected coal

#48 A Huge Furnace!

Placed a furnace

#49 Smelter

Smelted Iron Ore to Iron in the Furnace

#50 Gecko Grabber

Grabbed a gecko in the desert

#51 Very Heavy Tool

Crafted an Iron Sledgehammer

#52 Transparent

Placed a Glass Block

#53 Building With Magic

Placed multiple blocks at once using crystal assisted block placement

#54 Gravity Glove

Grabbed something using gravity gloves

#55 All the Objectives

Succeeded all the in-game objectives