Backgammon + Checkers + Mills Trophies

Backgammon + Checkers + Mills Trophies 奖杯列表

金3 银12 铜20 总35


Backgammon + Checkers + Mills Trophies

金3 银12 铜20 总35

#1 Ready steady go!

Win the first game of Backgammon

#2 Game Streak

Win 10 games of Backgammon

#3 Like a Pro

Win 20 games of Backgammon

#4 Two blots for a Hallelujah

Hit 2 blots within one turn

#5 Four blots for a Hallelujah

Hit 4 blots within one turn

#6 Good Game

[Backgammon] Achieve a score of more than 20 Points

#7 Hold it right there

Prevent your opponent from re-entering

#8 Twice as good

Throw a Double

#9 Big Steps

Throw a double with sixes

#10 Back and Gammon

Win the game before your opponent bears off their first piece

#11 You shall not enter!

Block your opponent's first quadrant while they have at least one blot on the bar

#12 Expert

Win 10 games of Checkers

#13 King of Kings

Win 20 games of Checkers

#14 Head-to-head Race

[Checkers] Draw against your opponent

#15 Third time's the charm

[Checkers] Capture 3 pieces during one turn

#16 Devastating Move

[Checkers] Capture 5 pieces during one turn

#17 Path of Destruction

[Checkers] Capture a total of 100 pieces

#18 Triumph

Capture a King

#19 Return of the King

Possess a king

#20 Emperor of Kings

Possess three kings

#21 Dead End

[Checkers] Win a game by blocking your opponent

#22 White wins

[Checkers] Win while playing with white pieces

#23 Black wins

[Checkers] Win while playing with black pieces

#24 Off to a good start

Win the first game of Mills

#25 Don Quijote

Win 10 games of Mills

#26 Master of Mills

Win 20 games of Mills

#27 The Wheels of the Mills are still

[Mills] Win a game by blocking your opponent

#28 Mills Manager

Possess 2 closed Mills

#29 Monopoly of Mills

Possess 3 closed Mills

#30 Double-Mill

Move one man out of a Mill to create a new Mill

#31 All or Nothing

Create a Mill with only 3 remaining pieces

#32 Victorious over Black

[Mills] Win with white pieces

#33 Victorious over White

[Mills] Win with black pieces

#34 Close Call

[Mills] Win a game with 5 pieces max

#35 Last but not least

[Mills] Win with 3 remaining pieces