Train Traffic Manager

铁路运输经理人 奖杯列表

白1 金3 银4 铜38 总46


Train Traffic Manager

白1 金3 银4 铜38 总46

#1 Completionist

Complete all basic trophies.

#2 Honest Mistake

Crash 20 trains.

#3 Crash Delight

Crash 50 trains.

#4 Train Graveyard

Crash 100 trains.

#5 Smooth

Play for 2 consecutive minutes without any accidents.

#6 Fluid

Play for 5 consecutive minutes without any accidents.

#7 Free Flowing

Play for 10 consecutive minutes without any accidents.

#8 Try Again

Fail a level.

#9 Tough Nut

Fail a level 3 times in a row.

#10 One After Another

Clear 3 consecutive levels without returning to menu.

#11 The Law of Series

Clear 5 consecutive levels without returning to menu.

#12 Hot Streak

Clear 10 consecutive levels without returning to menu.

#13 Each One Counts

Get 100 trains safely to their destination.

#14 Counting Sheep

Get 500 trains safely to their destination.

#15 Still Counting

Get 1000 trains safely to their destination.

#16 Second Chance

Use the heart power-up 10 times.

#17 Live and Let Live

Finish a level without losing a heart 5 times (when available).

#18 Boost

Use fast forward for 60 seconds.

#19 Turbo

Use fast forward for 600 seconds.

#20 Slow and Steady

Finish a level without using fast forward.

#21 Fast and Furious

Finish a level while always using fast forward.

#22 Perfect Level

Earn 3 stars on any map.

#23 These stars...

Earn 50 stars in total.

#24 ...are shining...

Earn 100 stars in total.

#25 the sky

Earn 150 stars in total.

#26 Full Clear

Collect all stars.

#27 On and Off

Switch lights 50 times.

#28 Switching Machine

Switch lights 500 times.

#29 Green Wave

Have 5 green lights active at the same time for 5 seconds.

#30 Left and Right

Change railroad switches 100 times.

#31 Up and Down

Move the drawbridge 50 times.

#32 Sandy Wastelands

Clear all Desert levels.

#33 Green Grass

Clear all Forest levels.

#34 Good Cold Times

Clear all Winter levels.

#35 After Midnight

Clear all Midnight levels.

#36 Endless Beginnings

Play on 20 Endless maps.

#37 A Little While

Set a time of 5 minutes on any Endless level.

#38 Quite Some Time

Set a time of 10 minutes on any Endless level.

#39 For a Lifetime

Set a time of 15 minutes on any Endless level.

#40 Above the Threshold

Set a time of 5 minutes on 10 Endless levels.

#41 Mountaineer

Sweep 10 trains with an avalanche.

#42 Diver

Drown 10 trains in a river.

#43 Tornado

Scatter 10 trains with a whirlwind.

#44 From the Sky

Destroy 10 trains with a metorite.

#45 Lumberjack

Crash 10 trains with a fallen tree.

#46 Duo

Clear a level with 2 or more players.