The Lost Legend of Redwall: The Scout Trophy Pack

The Lost Legend of Redwall: The Scout Trophy Pack 奖杯列表

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The Lost Legend of Redwall: The Scout Trophy Pack

白1 金5 银8 铜21 总35

#1 Master Scout

Unlocking all other trophies

#2 Exemplary Performance

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in The Scouts

#3 Shadow King

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in The Pirates

#4 Crypt Klepto

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in The Catacombs

#5 Gutter Ghost

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in The Weret

#6 Olympian

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in The Lighthouse

#7 Lilygrove Looter

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in The Battle of Lilygrove

#8 Moss Boss

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in Old Moss Creek

#9 Captain Obvious

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in The Captain

#10 Silver Spoon

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in Camp Silversands

#11 Pantry Pirate

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in The Pantry

#12 Ace in the Hole

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in Pontederia

#13 Pirates Plunder

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in Winsome Wraith

#14 Mud Runner

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in Portman's Slough

#15 Aqueduct Accumulator

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in Grating Gulley

#16 Camp Bandit

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in Fool of a Stoat

#17 Tunnel Raider

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in The Otters' Den

#18 Hoarder or Historian

Collect all documents and jam, learn all scents, meet all characters, and complete all objectives in Cavern Hole

#19 Pie Pile Up

Collect all jam

#20 Scent-sational

Log all the scents in your scout's journal

#21 Friend to All

Unlock all the character profiles in your scout's journal

#22 Antique Archivist

Present the complete memoir to Pickerel in Cavern Hole


Obtain the Starthistle Family Amulet

#24 Crown Jewel

Obtain the Crystal Necklace

#25 Treasured Trinket

Obtain the Gleaming Wayglass Lens

#26 No Soup For You

Create a disgusting soup in the Scouts

#27 Is it Stuffy in Here?

Open all of the shutters in The Catacombs

#28 Finders Keepers

Collect the rat tooth in The Weret

#29 Furball

Get eaten by Captain Snow

#30 Whack-a-Mole

Send Glimber to his untimely demise in Silversands

#31 Throwing Shade

Call out Ichabod's exagerations in the Pantry

#32 What Did You Expect?

View fog, fog, and more fog at the cairn in Portman's Slough

#33 Just Hangin Out

Listen the the entire Sea Rat's shanty in Fool of a Stoat

#34 Bone Head

Find Gloomer's skeleton in Otter's Den

#35 Gregarious Gregorian

Talk to every critter in Cavern Hole in one sitting