Timber Expert
Skilled at efficiently harvesting wood, able to tackle trees with ease.
Congratulations, you're finally a Lumberjack!
Proficient in chopping down trees for basic resources
Miner Novice
Beginner in mining, adept at gathering basic ores and resources.
Ore Specialist
Advanced miner, skilled at extracting valuable ores and minerals from the earth.
Expert Miner
Expert in mining, capable of mining all ores.
Liquid Carrier
Able to transport water efficiently.
Water Specialist
Skilled in managing and controlling water flow, even in complex environments.
Torrent Master
Master of liquids, can manipulate and channel water with precision and speed.
Competent in basic fishing, able to catch common fish.
Fishing Master
Renowned for exceptional fishing skills.
Fishing Legend
Renowned for exceptional fishing skills.
Proficient in digging plots.
Soil Expert
Skilled at digging and preparing garden plots.
Master of the shovel, digs on a grand scale, with precision and creativity.