Forest Farm Trophy Set

Forest Farm Trophy Set 奖杯列表

金5 银5 铜5 总15


Forest Farm Trophy Set

金5 银5 铜5 总15

#1 Timber Expert

Skilled at efficiently harvesting wood, able to tackle trees with ease.

#2 Lumberjack

Congratulations, you're finally a Lumberjack!

#3 Woodcutter

Proficient in chopping down trees for basic resources

#4 Miner Novice

Beginner in mining, adept at gathering basic ores and resources.

#5 Ore Specialist

Advanced miner, skilled at extracting valuable ores and minerals from the earth.

#6 Expert Miner

Expert in mining, capable of mining all ores.

#7 Liquid Carrier

Able to transport water efficiently.

#8 Water Specialist

Skilled in managing and controlling water flow, even in complex environments.

#9 Torrent Master

Master of liquids, can manipulate and channel water with precision and speed.

#10 Angler

Competent in basic fishing, able to catch common fish.

#11 Fishing Master

Renowned for exceptional fishing skills.

#12 Fishing Legend

Renowned for exceptional fishing skills.

#13 Digger

Proficient in digging plots.

#14 Soil Expert

Skilled at digging and preparing garden plots.

#15 Terraformer

Master of the shovel, digs on a grand scale, with precision and creativity.