SOOT 奖杯列表

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金3 银5 铜32 总40

#1 First Pages Of The Journal

Read the first pages of Mason's journal

#2 Meetings And Farewell

Said goodbye to Arthur

#3 A New Beginning

Stablished a new laboratory

#4 The Scientist

Mastered the secrets of the machines

#5 Just Following Orders

Began a new phase with a new superior

#6 Prepare For The Worst

Mason's challenges intensify

#7 Suspicious Times

Looked in the face of evil

#8 Faceoff

And evil stared back

#9 Old Friends

Maybe redemption is in the desert

#10 Ethical Conflicts

No more

#11 The Journey

Is this the final frontier?

#12 Realization

The burden is too much

#13 The Discovery

And let there be light

#14 The Traveler

Is anyone out there?

#15 Baby Steps

You understood the basics of the machines, we have a lot of work ahead

#16 One Small Conquest

This was an easy one, let's crank up the heat

#17 The Captain Is No One

Did you read the book?

#18 Tesla Would Be Proud

Electric circuits were not that difficult in the end

#19 Master Of Terraforming

You completed all the challenges from the mining operation

#20 Conqueror Of The Skies

You defeated the pirates, for good. Although good is not a word I would use in this situation

#21 Radiant Like The Sun

The challenge was big, the sacrifice bigger

#22 Culture And Science Fiction

You know, that you know

#23 Pathfinder

You are the master of all electric circuits

#24 Faster Than Light

So you choose the fast way

#25 Caution: Hot Surface

Now you REALLY understand the basics of the machines

#26 Quick And Effective Aid

Your preparedness paid off

#27 Out Of The Frying Pan

You have the hability to stay cool in a hot situation

#28 Outran The Bolt

You destroyed Iasion's environment as fast as lightning

#29 Speed: On Ice

Did you know Tarqeq is actually an Inuit God?

#30 Always Outgunned, Never Outrunned

You got out of Aniketos in under 2 minutes

#31 Swept Of Your Feet

You thought training would be harder than that

#32 At Dawn Look To The East

These pirates barked harder than their bite

#33 Tis But A Flesh Wound

Bolton sure is getting demanding with his trainings

#34 Quick To Anger

Those pirates didn't know what hit them

#35 Done And Forgotten

These colonists can handle themselves from now on, right?

#36 Party Hard

Less time on the clock, more time on the pub

#37 By Your Powers Combined

I am the captain

#38 The Pomegranate Trick

Two worlds, one fruit

#39 Never Look Back

You didn't forget how to destroy your opponents

#40 Chariots Of Fire

Get that ugly ship out off my view