You are the Shujinkou
Obtain all other trophies. Congratulations, you really have become the Shujinkou.
Goodbye Peace
Defeat the terrifying Akuma that disturbed Himamura's peace.
Shu and Jin!
Meet Jin and have him join Shu on his journey to save Genya.
Shu, Jin, Kou!
Meet Kou and have her join Shu and Jin on their journey to save Genya.
Hero of Genya
Finish Chapter 1.
The First Lifted Curse
Free Daitengu from his mysterious curse.
What Does the Future Hold?
Overcome the Mermaids of Time's Trial and view the Genzai Painting.
Hero of Sabaku
Finish Chapter 2.
Reaching the Cap...?
Have any party member reach level 99.
I Need Your Explanations
Discover 50 explanations.
Dedicated Shujinkou
Log over 100 hours of gameplay.
That Reminds Me...
Earn Jin's approval through his nen'oshi 25 times.
King of Kin
Earn a total of over 1,000 Kin.
Musical Enlightenment
Purchase 100 tracks in the Jukebox.
Hina's Favorite Hero
Win and obtain a score of over 20,000 in Radical Hunter.
Sugi's Favorite Hero
Win a match at difficulty 6 or higher with only 1 HP to spare.
Kiyo's Favorite Hero
Win a perfect match at difficulty 9 or higher within five minutes.
Tatiana's Favorite Hero
Consecutively knock in one or more Kanatama eight times in a row in Kotoba Kyuugi.
Otogawa's Favorite Hero
Formulate a Perfect sentence that is six or more Kudoku Kotoba long.
Tsunako's Favorite Hero
Win the Fish War at difficulty 6 or higher without taking any damage.
Minigame Enthusiast
Play and win all of the Fuu Games at least once.
Minigame Master
Win all of the Fuu Games at difficulty 10.
Sake Savant
Buy and gift the right sake at the Izakaya to every Fuu Partner.
Sign Collector
Discover and view 30 Kanban in Labyrinths.
Treasure Collector
Discover and open 30 treasure chests in Towns and Labyrinths.
Chizu Connoisseur
Achieve 100% Chizu completion for 10 labyrinth areas.
Kind Samurai
Complete 15 youkyuu.
Ultra Kind Samurai
Complete 100 youkyuu.
Wildly Kind Samurai
Complete 200 youkyuu.
The Power of Friendship
Unlock all 100 pieces of Kyuukou's Omikuji mosaic.
Thanks, Little Sis!
Sleep at your home at every time of day five times.
Thanks, Big Bro!
Forge special equipment with Daisuke five times.
Fishing for Fish
Fish and catch 10 species of fish.
Fish Spot Finder
Discover 10 different fishing spots.
Something is Fishy
Successfully exchange goods with Tsurugi five times at the Tsurigu.
Decorated Ship
Obtain and place at least 10 decorations on the Akagi.
Culture Shock
Let Kiyo show you 100 entries for any given kana or kanji.
An Important Bond
Obtain the first Kizuna slice with any partner.
Budding Social Butterfly
Obtain the second Kizuna slice with any partner.
Fantastic Social Butterfly
Obtain the second Kizuna slice with all partners.
Solidifying One's Will
Experience all 10 Ishi with any partner in Genya.
Fulfilling One's Will
Experience all Ishi with every partner in Part 1.
Who's That Akuma?
Discover all the kana or kanji in any akuma's name.
Akuma Analyzer
Log 100 entries in the Kemono Kiroku.
Akuma Slayer
Defeat 500 enemies.
Listen to Me
Succeed in over 50 negotiations in battle.
Damage Dealer
Deal over 1000 damage in a single attack.
Special Striker
Nail a Perfect Result for Shu, Jin, and Kou's Kakusei.
Yajuu What?
Experience victory against a Junshu Yajuu and Ihan Yajuu.
Successfully escape from a Yajuu battle 10 times.
Skillful Apparitionist
Have a hero learn 15 different Arawasu skills.
Maximize Me
Max out a Battle, Field, and Bonus skill.
Name that Weakness
Strike over 500 unique ontological weaknesses.
You Got Me Weak
Strike elemental weaknesses over 500 times.