
Duggy 奖杯列表

白1 金11 总12



白1 金11 总12

#1 Dig Down Master

You are a master in dig down the rabbit hole.

#2 Treasure found

You found a Treasure

#3 5 Enemies defeated

You defeated 5 Enemies in one level.

#4 Level 1 finished

Level 1 finished

#5 Level 3 finished

You finished Level 3

#6 Get an extra Life

You got an extra life

#7 20k Score

You reached 20.000 points

#8 Level 5 finished

You finished Level 5

#9 40k Score

You got 40.000 Points

#10 Level 7 completed

You completed Level 7

#11 100k score

You got at least a score of 100.000 points

#12 Level 10 completed

You finished Level 10