Jackbox Naughty Pack

Jackbox Naughty Pack 奖杯列表

铜20 总20


Jackbox Naughty Pack

铜20 总20

#1 Fakin' It All Night Long: Game Too Quickly

Find the Faker as soon as possible in every round.

#2 Fakin' It All Night Long: Did You Learn Nothing

Wrongfully accuse the same player of being the Faker twice in one round.

#3 Fakin' It All Night Long: Fiber

Answer every prompt during Emoji-tional Damage with a poop emoji.

#4 Fakin' It All Night Long: Watch the Birdie

Flip a feathered friend when asked to hold up fingers.

#5 Fakin' It All Night Long: Arachnid-Person

Every player points at a unique player during a You Gotta Point prompt.

#6 Fakin' It All Night Long: I'm A Cool Mom

Play an entire game with at least one player named Mom.

#7 Fakin' It All Night Long: Have You Considered Drawful?

Fail to catch the Faker for an entire game.

#8 Dirty Drawful: Calm Down Picasso

One player doesn't submit drawing before timer ends.

#9 Dirty Drawful: Olde Timey Artistes

At least two players only use black and white for drawings.

#10 Dirty Drawful: Turned On

Everyone only uses the fire emote for the entire game.

#11 Dirty Drawful: Everything Ok?

One player uses the undo button 20 times.

#12 Dirty Drawful: Do You Work Here?

Get every answer correct for a round.

#13 Dirty Drawful: I Like To Watch

Complete a game with a single audience member for the entire game.

#14 Dirty Drawful: Have You Considered Fakin' It?

Failed to guess the correct title for an entire game.

#15 Let Me Finish: Golden Tongue

Win 100 percent of the vote during your matchup.

#16 Let Me Finish: Tsk Tsk Tsk

Score zero points the whole game.

#17 Let Me Finish: Eager Beaver

Debate every prompt.

#18 Let Me Finish: Close Shave

Win the game by 100 points or less.

#19 Let Me Finish: Master Debater

Win the game by 5,000 points or more.

#20 Let Me Finish: Group Chat

Win 100 percent of the audience vote.