The 7th Guest

第七位访客 奖杯列表

白1 金5 银15 铜8 总29


The 7th Guest

白1 金5 银15 铜8 总29

#1 Truly The 7th Guest!

You are the master of the mansion!

#2 Cake Puzzle

You love green eggs, ham and cake!

#3 Cans Puzzle

You really CAN do anything.

#4 Telescope Puzzle

You found the answer in the stars!

#5 Spiders Puzzle

Your spidey sense is strong!

#6 Bed Puzzle

You know what to write in bed.

#7 Bishops Puzzle

You found a good bishop.

#8 Heart Puzzle

You followed your heart.

#9 Queens Puzzle

Long live the Queen!

#10 Grate Puzzle

You are grate-full indeed!

#11 Maze Puzzle

You are a MAZEing!

#12 Crypts Puzzle

You don't have skeletons in your closet.

#13 Cards Puzzle

You played the hand that was dealt you and won!

#14 Knights Puzzle

You're my knight in shining armor.

#15 Coins Puzzle

The smart money in on you, to coin a phrase.

#16 Flipping Mansion Puzzle

Flipping houses can be very rewarding.

#17 Blocks Puzzle

Sometimes it's okay to be a block head.

#18 Stepping Stones Puzzle

You stepped up to the challenge!

#19 Microscope Mini-Game

You're cells multiply better!

#20 Piano Puzzle

You must have perfect pitch.

#21 Stauf's Painting Puzzle

You must have studied Cubism under Picasso.

#22 Knives Puzzle

Never play with sharp things.

#23 Skyscraper Puzzle

You've reach the top!

#24 Beanstalk Passage

When it comes to beans, it's okay to be a stalker.

#25 Billiard Secret Passage

You called the shot!

#26 Fireplace Secret Passage

You are tempered through fire.

#27 Bathroom Secret Passage

You will never go down the drain!

#28 The 7th Guest Discovered!

You solved the mystery of the 7th Guest!

#29 "Open House" mode

You can now teleport through the house!