The Murder Of Sherlock Holmes

The Murder Of Sherlock Holmes 奖杯列表

金2 银6 铜15 总23


The Murder Of Sherlock Holmes

金2 银6 铜15 总23

#1 Welcome to the Rounders

Solve the case

#2 One of us

Read all of the books

#3 Luthier

Tune the violin

#4 Your first gesture

Make the OK sign when Professor Zuengo asks you to

#5 Oneiric walker

Walk in your dreams

#6 Teleportation

Teleport yourself

#7 Pick it up

Pick up an object for the first time

#8 Literature fan

Open a book

#9 Disaster

Break an object accidentally on purpose

#10 Watch out!

Throw something

#11 Room with a view

What are the streets in the Dream World like?

#12 Destroyer

Wreck everything you can

#13 Winter is coming

Is it getting chilly?

#14 Nosey

What do you think Holmes wrote about in his Diaries?

#15 Oniria explorer

Read all of the books in the encyclopedia

#16 None of this is helpful

Find all of the false keys

#17 Triple!

Get an object on the table on the ceiling

#18 Tea time

“Time doesn’t tolerate being clapped at. However, if you have a good relationship with him, he would do whatever you wanted to the clock” - The Mad Hatter

#19 Exhaustive

Make sure you check every piece of furniture

#20 Master of Chaos

This room is too tidy...

#21 Sculpture

Place the bust of Holmes on the silver tray

#22 Concerning news

Discover the mystery of Lady Victoria Ramírez

#23 Society Chronicles

Discover the love triangle on the oneiric networks